Teen Therapy: What to Expect

Teen Therapy: What to Expect

Being a teen can be a rollercoaster ride! Teenagers are often experiencing the push and pull from several directions. It is overwhelming to say the least! Adolescents feel pressure from: Academics Family Friends Need to be accepted Discovering their individual...
How Do I Parent My Teen?

How Do I Parent My Teen?

Being a parent to a teenager is: challenging overwhelming confusing insightful fulfilling joyful If you read that list and thought to yourself that I must have hit my head and become disoriented in the middle of the list, I encourage you to continue to read. In...
How Do I Find the Right Therapist for Me?

How Do I Find the Right Therapist for Me?

You have decided that you need help, but how do you get the help that you need? Finding the right therapist for you can be a tough task! It can feel a lot like trying to find your “Mr./Mrs. Right”. Let’s be honest, there is quite a bit of information...