Teen Therapy: What to Expect

Teen Therapy: What to Expect

Being a teen can be a rollercoaster ride! Teenagers are often experiencing the push and pull from several directions. It is overwhelming to say the least! Adolescents feel pressure from: Academics Family Friends Need to be accepted Discovering their individual...
What Should I Expect In Therapy?

What Should I Expect In Therapy?

You have decided that you want to see a therapist and you are probably wondering: What the heck is actually going to happen in therapy?   Great question!  BUT- First of all, give yourself a pat on the back for deciding to reach out for help. Taking the first step...
Let’s Get Real With Anxiety

Let’s Get Real With Anxiety

Anxiety is the most unwelcome guest and it may feel like you will never be able to kick it to the curb! It is bossy and intrusive… and you can help yourself to tame the anxiety beast. If anxiety has taken up residence in your life, you may feel like: You are the...
Post Holiday Blues

Post Holiday Blues

The winter holidays are magical! And then the festivities END. What do you do if you go from “visions of sugarplum fairies dancing in your head” to feelings of sadness and loneliness the very next day? Let’s walk through the realities of the Post...
Let’s Talk About Death

Let’s Talk About Death

You get a call from your friend who you haven’t talked to in months. You are excited to catch up and share good news about your life when she shares that her brother suddenly passed away two days ago.  You say “I am sorry. I will pray for your family.” As you say this...